Saturday, 23 November 2013

dream machine

A snap of my Taig 2019CR desktop mill.

This is a CNC-ready tool which, after several years, still needs stepper motors and a Xylotex PWM driver board. The parts have all been purchased but, due to a number of circumstances relating to health, employment, and locale, have never been installed.

One upgrade I have made since purchase was changing the headstock from the original offering to the new ER 16 spindle equipped version. The ER 16 collets allow anything up to 10mm (3/8") diameter to be installed in the headstock bore, while the threaded nose still allows for other accessories to be added (fly cutter, boring head, etc.)

A set of ER 16 collets was purchased from MariTool. The ER 16 option saves a lot of space between the spindle nose and table when using typical cutters and drills. This makes the whole tool more rigid and reduces vibration in use.

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