Sunday, 8 December 2013

more and less

More of the outside clutter is slated to disappear. Prime among them is a vintage garden tractor project that, while desirable and useful, has simply proved beyond my capabilities. Also exiting is a generously donated riding mower carcass that turned out to have more wrong than right. The latter will go quickly; it's free after all. The former must beckon the right soul to restore it to its former glory. This project vehicle has a number of lusted-after accessories which may be more of a lure than itself.

Progress was also made in the clarity department; I recklessly spent one of the last best days of the season gutting 1/2 the garage to install heavy-duty shelving to organise and gain access. However, it still looks like nothing was actually accomplished. Sad results for a long day of exertion.

I'm forced to wonder what this effort is indicative of. Rather than aging gracefully, I feel rather like an old ringer-washer perched precariously on the edge of a staircase; still mostly functional (and somewhat tough on clothing) but could go any minute, making a hell of a noise in the process. Pushing hard after years at a desk job is not necessarily the smartest course of action. However, I've seen what happens to people who don't, can't, or won't clean up their crapstacks in a timely fashion. It ends up being hell for themselves and those around them. Actions are often taken in an ill-considered panic instead of after measured thought.

There is a movement called The 100 Things Challenge which, at its core, promotes the idea of simplification and reduction. I am not saying that I'll ever get down to 100 things (I doubt that many Westerners would or could, given our culture of rampant acquisition) but I can appreciate and admire the ideal.

Reduce, Refuse, Resist, Reject, Repurpose, Recycle.

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